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Bill Samuel
Quaker Tour of England, Page 7 of 22 Hartshill Friends Meeting
Hartshill Friends Meeting photo by Bill Samuel, 20 June 1998
Hartshill was an old Quaker Center. The Newtons, important local landowners, were leading local Quakers. From early times, local Friends ran a school - charity school, boarding school - which closed in 1895.
The Hartshill Friends Meeting was apparently laid down in 1806. The Meeting was revived 30-40 years later by two Friends from Birmingham, with the help of the Friends Home Mission Board. They set up an adult school, a Sunday school and an evening meeting. Now the Meeting has an unprogrammed meeting (meeting with no pre-planned order of service or sermon, on the basis of silence) Sunday mornings, with a usual attendance of 3-4, and a programmed fellowship Sunday evenings, with a usual attendance of 20-25. There are a handful of Friends meetings in Britain following that pattern today. At one time, there were dozens of such meetings.