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Bill Samuel, August 4, 2002
Bill Samuel

 Selected Books by and About Quakers:
Unlocking Horns: Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Burundi
David Niyonzima, Africa Regional Director of Evangelical Friends, and Lon Fendall of George Fox U. grapple with the challenge of applying Christ's message of peace and reconciliation to the violence and chaos of Central Africa. See review.

Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home
Richard J. Foster. Describes 21 types of Christian prayer. Harper San Francisco, 1992. 288 pages.

Why Friends Are Friends
Jack Willcuts' (former Superintendent of Northwest Yearly Meeting) classic outline of core Quaker convictions. Often reprinted

Come Pray: A Guide to Deeper Personal & Corporate Prayer
Mary Glenn Hadley's recent thorough yet fairly short, introduction to many ypes of prayer. See review on this site.

Journal of George Fox
The autobiography of the founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Celebration of Discipline
20th Anniversary Edition of Richard J. Foster's million-selling work on Christian spiritual disciplines.

A Testament of Devotion
Thomas R. Kelly, with Introduction by Richard J. Foster. One of the 20th century's great devotional classics. Harper San Francisco, reprint 1996.

The Quaker Reader, Edited by Jessamyn West
An anthology of readings by and about Friends (Quakers).

The Friendly Persuasion, by Jessamyn West
The classic novel about an Indiana Quaker family during the Civil War, made into a movie starring Gary Cooper.

A Living Faith: An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs
Wilmer Cooper, founding Dean of Earlham School of Religion, provides an historical look at the beliefs of Friends (Quakers). Includes study questions.

Encounter with Silence: Reflections from the Quaker Tradition
John Punshon, noted Quaker studies teacher, explores the role of silence in the Quaker tradition.

Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings
Classic collection of writings by Friends from the 16th to 20th centuries on spirituality. Edited by Douglas V. Steere and Elizabeth Gray Vining.

Rufus Jones: Essential Writings
Selections from the writings of Rufus Jones, Quaker mystic and activist prominent among Friends in the first part of the 20th century.

A Friend Among the Senecas: The Quaker Mission to Cornplanter's People
David Swatzler's story of 1799 Quaker mission to a Seneca village in northwestern Pennsylvania. Includes journal of Henry Simmons, one of those Quakers.

A Stone Bridge North: Reflections in a New Life, by Kate Maloy
A personal memoir of a middle-aged woman with a teenage son who rediscovers her Quaker faith, and quits her urban life for a homestead in the woods of Vermont.

Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity, by Catherine Whitmire
A collection of quotes from contemporary and historic Friends about living out the Quaker testimony of simplicity and related values.

The Best of Friends, Volume 1, Edited by Chuck Fager
A collection of essays, stories and other material by a selection of Friends (Quakers).

Daily Readings from Quaker Writings Ancient and Modern
Linda Hill Renfer's collection of excerpts from Quaker writings organized for a daily practice of reading.

A Quaker Book of Wisdom: Life Lessons in Simplicity, Service and Common Sense
Robert Lawrence Smith's personal reflections on Quaker values from his life experience.

The Quaker Peace Testimony, 1660-1914, by Peter Brock
Classic study of how the historic peace testimony of Friends was lived out up until the time of World War I.

Quaker Experiences in International Conciliation
Mike Yarrow's study of the work of Friends through the years to promote conciliation among nations.

Gentle Invaders: Quaker Women Educators and Racial Issues During the Civil War and Reconstruction
Linda B. Selleck's study of the work of hundreds of Quaker women in educating former slaves during the Civil War and the Reconstruction era.

One Small Plot of Heaven: Reflections on Family Life by a Quaker Sociologist
Elise Boulding, prominent Quaker known primarily for her work related to conflict resolution, focuses her insights on the family in this work.

Wisdom and Your Spiritual Journey: Wisdom in the Biblical and Quaker Tradition
Chuck Fager's look at the figure of Wisdom in the Bible from a liberal Quaker perspective.

Pioneers in Quaker Education: The Story of John W. and Mary C. Woody
Mary E. Hinshaw's recounting of the work of these two early North Carolina Quaker educators.

Reasons for Hope: The Faith and Future of the Friends Church
John Punshon's look at the evangelical Friends movement and its future opportunities. See review.

Fresh Winds of the Spirit
Alan Kolp, Friends United Press, 1991. The spirituality of George Fox.

Celebration of Discipline (abridged)
Audio edition, read by author Richard J. Foster, of this classic work.

Richard J. Foster's Study Guide for Celebration of Discipline
Harper San Francisco, 1983. 96 pages.

Celebrating the Disciplines
A Journal Workbook to Accompany Celebration of Discipline. Richard J. Foster and Kathryn A. Yanni, Harper San Francisco, 1992, 224 pages.

Streams of Living Water
Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith. Richard J. Foster. Harper San Francisco, 1998. 424 pages.

Streams of Living Water (Abridged)
Audio edition, read by author Richard J. Foster.

Freedom of Simplicity
Richard J. Foster. Practical guide to Christian simplicity. Harper, 1992. 224 pages.

The Challenge of the Disciplined Life
Christian Reflections on Money, Sex & Power. Richard J. Foster. Harper San Francisco, 1989. 272 pages.

Prayers from the Heart
Richard J. Foster. Collection of prayers. Harper San Francisco, 1994. 144 pages.

Seeking the Kingdom
Devotions for the Daily Journey of Faith. Richard J. Foster. Harper San Francisco, 1995. 144 pages.

Meditative Prayer
Richard J. Foster. Booklet.

Handmaids of the Lord
Theology and Women's Ministry in Seventeenth-Century English Quakerism, Catherine M. Wilcox, Edwin Mellen Press, 1995.

Primitivism, Radicalism, and the Lamb's War
The Baptist-Quaker Conflict in Seventeenth-Century England, T. L. Underwood, Oxford University Press, 1997

The Power of the Lord Is Over All: The Pastoral Letters of George Fox
Compilation of epistles of the founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

George Fox and the Quakers
Cecil Sharman, Friends United Press, 1991

Walking in the Way of Peace
Quaker Pacifism in the Seventeenth Century, Meredith Baldwin Weddle, Oxford University Press, 2001

New Light on George Fox and Early Quakerism
Richard Bailey, Edwin Mellen Press, 1992

Atonement of George Fox
Emilia Fogelklou-Norlind, Pendle Hill Publications, 1969

First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism
H. Larry Ingle, Oxford University Press, 1996

Margaret Fell and the Rise of Quakerism
Bonnelyn Young Kunze, Stanford University Press, 1994

Mary Dyer: Biography of a Rebel Quaker
Ruth Talbot Plimpton, Branden Publishing Co., 1994

My American Eden: Mary Dyer, Martyr for Freedom
Historical novel by Elizabeth S. Brinton, White Mane Publishing Co., 2004

William Penn: Quaker Colonist
Kieran Doherty, Millbrook Press, 1998 (Young Adult)

Quaker Cavalier: The Story of William Penn
Joyce Reason, Lutterworth Press, 2000 (Ages 9-12)

Twenty-First Century Penn: Writings on the Faith and Practice of the People called Quakers by William Penn
Translated into modern English by Paul Buckley, Earlham School of Religion Publications, 2003

George Bishop: Seventeenth-Century Soldier Turned Quaker
Maryann S. Feola, Syracuse University Press, 1997

Apocalypse of the Word: The Life and Message of George Fox
Douglas Gwyn, Friends United Press, 1986

Seekers Found: Atonement in Early Quaker Experience
Douglas Gwyn, Pendle Hill Publications, 2000

The Sorrows of the Quaker Jesus
James Nayler and the Puritan Crackdown on the Free Spirit, Leo Damrosch, Harvard University Press, 1996

A Certain Kind of Perfection: An Anthology of Evangelical and Liberal Quaker Writers
An anthology of Quaker voices from 1650 to 1997 celebrates the capacity of Friends to thrive in its "call to a certain kind of perfection."

Friends Face the World: Some Continuing and Current Quaker Concerns
Leonard Kenworthy's classic, if somewhat dated, review of social concerns of Friends.

Some Fruits of Solitude: Wise Sayings on the Conduct of Human Life
William Penn, Edited into Today's English by Eric K. Taylor, Herald Press, 2003

Imagination & Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader
Edited and Introduced by J. Brent Bill, Friends United Press, 2002. See review on this site.

Exploring Heaven: What Great Christian Thinkers Tell Us About Our Afterlife with God
Arthur O. Roberts, Professor Emeritus, George Fox University, HarperSanFrancisco, 2003.

Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin
Edited by Devon W. Carbado & Donald Weise, Cleis Press, 2003.

Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin
John D'emilio, Free Press, 2003.

Bayard Rustin: Troubles I've Seen: A Biography
Jervis Anderson, University of California Press, 1998.

Bayard Rustin and the Civil Rights Movement
Daniel Levine, Rutgers University Press, 1999.

Bayard Rustin: Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movement
James Haskins, Hyperion Press, 1997.

Undaunted Zeal: The Letters of Margaret Fell
edited by Elsa F. Glines, Friends United Press, 2003.

The Emergence of Quaker Writing
Dissenting Literature in Seventeenth-Century England, edited by Thomas N. Corns and David Loewenstein, Frank Cass & Co., 1996.

A Good Night for Freedom
Barbara Olenyik Morrow, Holiday House, 2004. Historical fiction featuring Quaker Levi Coffin, famous "conductor" of the Underground Railroad. (Ages 4-8)

Grace Notes: The Waking of a Woman's Voice
Heidi Hart, University of Utah Press, 2004. The spiritual journey of one woman from Mormonism to Quakerism.

Quaker Women Prophets in England and Wales, 1650-1700
Christine Trevett, Edwin Mellen Press, 2000

Friends for 350 Years
Pendle Hill Publications, 2002. The classic Quaker overview by Howard H. Brinton, with historical update by Margaret Hope Bacon.

Back To Africa: Benjamin Coates And The Colonization Movement In America, 1848-1880
Edited by Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner and Margaret Hope Bacon, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005

Betsy: The Dramatic Biography of Prison Reformer Elizabeth Fry
Jean Hatton, Kregel Publications, 2006.

 Selected Videos by and About Quakers:
George Fox and the Quakers
The life and legacy of George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers), shot on location in England, America and Canada. 52 minutes, 2001, Vision Video.

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