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Bill Samuel
Selected Books by and About Quakers:
Unlocking Horns: Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Burundi David Niyonzima, Africa Regional Director of Evangelical Friends, and Lon Fendall of George Fox U. grapple with the challenge of applying Christ's message of peace and reconciliation to the violence and chaos of Central Africa. See review.
Journal of George Fox The autobiography of the founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Celebration of Discipline 20th Anniversary Edition of Richard J. Foster's million-selling work on Christian spiritual disciplines.
A Testament of Devotion Thomas R. Kelly, with Introduction by Richard J. Foster. One of the 20th century's great devotional classics. Harper San Francisco, reprint 1996.
Quaker Spirituality: Selected Writings Classic collection of writings by Friends from the 16th to 20th centuries on spirituality. Edited by Douglas V. Steere and Elizabeth Gray Vining.
Rufus Jones: Essential Writings Selections from the writings of Rufus Jones, Quaker mystic and activist prominent among Friends in the first part of the 20th century.
Celebrating the Disciplines A Journal Workbook to Accompany Celebration of Discipline. Richard J.
Foster and Kathryn A. Yanni, Harper San Francisco, 1992, 224 pages.
Streams of Living Water Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith. Richard J. Foster. Harper San Francisco, 1998. 424 pages.
The Emergence of Quaker Writing Dissenting Literature in Seventeenth-Century England, edited by Thomas N. Corns and David Loewenstein, Frank Cass & Co., 1996.
A Good Night for Freedom Barbara Olenyik Morrow, Holiday House, 2004. Historical fiction featuring Quaker Levi Coffin, famous "conductor" of the Underground Railroad. (Ages 4-8)
George Fox and the Quakers The life and legacy of George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers), shot on location in England, America and Canada. 52 minutes, 2001, Vision Video.
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