Important Dates:
August 25: early-bird registration for the Silent Retreat in Cincinnati
September 27-30: Silent Retreat, Cincinnati, OH
November 5: application first review for Mentoring Program at the Powell House Silent Retreat
January 18-21, 2013: Silent Retreat, Powell House, NY
September 27-30, 2013: Silent Retreat, Haverford, PA
November 14-17, 2013: Spiritual Renewal Retreat, Durham, NC
A Prayer for all those attending the first residency of the next class of the On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program this September; for the 20 participants from 9 yearly meetings; for the core and visiting teachers; for the person-of-presence and the sisters at the Franciscan Center who will offer us their warm hospitality; may we be gathered as one, listening with intention to one another and to God.
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[Carole would present on the Blessed Community at the first residency of the On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program. The following is an extract from her essay. The complete version is available on our website. She taught four classes from 2001 to 2011. She now serves as an Elder to this Ministry.]
There are five words, or phrases–metaphors–that reveal several ways of looking at the blessed community. Lloyd Lee Wilson, in his Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order, reflects on two of them: Covenant Community and Gospel Order. The others are the Body of Christ, the Kingdom of Heaven, and Koinonia.
The meeting or church community can be called the Body of Christ, as is the entirety of the Christian church. Look back at Paul’s extended metaphor in 1 Corinthians, chapter 12. The body of Christ has many parts with distinct functions and roles. Each is necessary for the health of the whole. Paul says, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
In the blessed community of a Friends meeting or church we must name and claim for the meeting the distinct gifts of each member, avoiding the common misinterpretation of the testimony of equality to mean that all are the same. True equality in the blessed community comes when all are equally valued and all are doing and being exactly what God has called each one to do and to be.
A Silent
Sept. 27-30, 2012

Franchot and Roger
Be an early-bird by August 25
This Silent Retreat in the Manner of Friends at the Transfiguration Spiritual Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, takes place September 27 - 30. Save $50 by registering by August 25. > to learn more and to register
Cincinnati Mentees
We are happy to announce that Franchot Ballinger (Eastern Hills Monthly Meeting) and Roger Hansen (Milwaukee Monthly Meeting) have been chosen as mentees to accompany Linda Chidsey and Carolyn Moon in facilitating the retreat in Cincinnati.
> for more on Franchot and Roger
Mentoring Program
For those called to the facilitation of silent retreats, we encourage Mentoring Program applications by November 5, 2012, for the January 18-21, 2013, Silent Retreat at Powell House. Applications received after November 5 may be considered at the Ministry’s discretion. > for more information and to apply

The Spiritual Care Committee
The words in this pamphlet--the first published by SotS--have come from years of listening to and observing the interactions of participants in SotS' On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program and their Spiritual Care Committees. We have learned valuable lessons and skills that we believe others might find useful and we offer them in this pamphlet. > to order copies of the pamphlet (mailing cost plus free-will donation)
Annual Report 2012
In this report, we express our gratitudes and hopes, as well as a financial overview. > Annual Report
Required Readings
Over the years we have had many requests to share the reading lists for the On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program. We are now happy to share with you the list of books and pamphlets which we are asking the participants of the next Spiritual Nurturer class to have at hand. > Reading List
Other News
Annual Fund
Our goal the 2012-13 Annual Fund is $16,000. We would be very grateful for your contribution. The Annual Fund helps to support our operating expenses, which includes staff honoraria. For a financial overview, please consult our Annual Report. > Donate
Board Update
We are happy to announce that Judy Geiser (Reading, PYM) has agreed to service on the SotS Board. > for Judy's snapshot
At the same time, we are sad to see Michael Wajda leave the Board, although we are immensely grateful for his many years of service, including five years as Board clerk.
Spiritual Renewal 2013
For those eligible for our biannual Spiritual Renewal Retreat, save the dates November 14-17, 2013, at the Avila Retreat Center in Durham, NC. Past presenters: Lloyd Lee Wilson (2011), Dan Snyder (2009). More details will be announced in the new year.
.gif) A Ministry of Prayer and Learning devoted to the School of the Spirit serves
the Religious Society of Friends throughout North America and is under the care of the Worship and Care Committee of Philadelphia
Yearly Meeting.
contribution will help us deliver our programs and provide them to Friends from
all economic levels. Please
write your check to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, earmarked for the School of
the Spirit, and mail to the address below. Many thanks!
(919) 929-2339 Mail: 1010
Wells Street, Durham, NC 27707