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Gifts of the Spirit

This page offers links to essays and audio related to the purposes of the School of the Spirit. We will expand these offerings over time. At present, we are offering material as Web pages, PDF files and mp3 files (audio).

Quaker Spirituality and Addiction: A Retreat for Concerned Friends, by Rita M. Willett

Quaker Spirituality and Addiction: A Retreat for Concerned Friends, by Rita M. Willett (PDF) is an outline and description of a retreat for Friends concerned about addiction prepared for the On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program, January 2011.

The Call, by Charlotte Basham

The Call, by Charlotte Basham (PDF) is a play produced as a final project for the On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program, May 2011.

Learning to Listen (Part One), by Sandra Cronk

Learning to Listen (Part One), by Sandra Cronk (PDF) was originally published in Festival Quarterly, Winter 1987. Sandra Cronk was one of the original School of the Spirit core teachers.

Next Steps, by Lu Harper

An essay on steps to take after completing the On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program, in these formats:

Trail Angels and Exercises, by Nancy Bieber

Trail Angels and Exercises, by Nancy Bieber (PDF) is an excerpt from Decision Making and Spiritual Discernment.

The Blessed Community, by Carole Treadway

The Blessed Community, by Carole Treadway (PDF) is an essay on the foundation of our meetings and churches, using five metaphors of the Blessed Community.

Listening for the Voice of God: Silence in Quaker Worship, by Tom Rothschild

Listening for the Voice of God: Silence in Quaker Worship, by Tom Rothschild (PDF) is an essay on the preciousness of the Quaker form of worship, originally published by Parabola Magazine, Spring 2008.

The Care Committee

The Care Committee (PDF) is a paper covering the use of a Care Committee as part of a person's participation in the Spiritual Nurture Program.

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” by Patty Levering

A 9-minute extract from the fifth of her five Bible half-hour talks given at the 2009 summer gathering of Friends General Conference, in audio (mp3 format).

Mixed Metaphors, by Jan Blodgett

A participant in the Spiritual Nurture Program offers a meditation on a wall hanging she created. It, or parts of it, are available in these formats:

Listen to the Earth, by Nan Bowles

A participant in the Spiritual Nurture Program offers reflections in poetry and phrase in 13 parts. It, or portions of it, is available in three formats:

Friends' Practice of Group Spiritual Discernment, by Lee Junker

A Spiritual Nurture Program participant gathers information on Friends' spiritual discernment through writings of others and interviews with Friends.

'Centering and Settling into the Silence' with Quaker Children (Ages 7-12), by John Carle

God's Passion - A Memorial Message, by John Carderelli

A memorial reflection on the life of Louise Harris, a participant in the Spiritual Nurture Program.

Forgiveness One-on-One, by Louise Harris

A reflection on forgiveness by a participant in the Spiritual Nurture Program.

Statement of Faith, by Louise Harris

A participant in the Spiritual Nurture Program offers her statement of faith. It is available in two formats:

Learning to be Loved by God, by Janis Ansell

A participant in the Spiritual Nurture Program offers poems coming out of her participation in the program. It is available in three formats:

The Idea of a Retreat, by Gilbert Kilpack

This resource was originally published by Pendle Hill, and is offered here by permission. It is available in two formats:

Some Thoughts on Silence, by Kathryn Damiano

An essay by one of the original core staff members of the School of the Spirit.
NOTE: Audio files may be downloaded to your computer's hard drive by right clicking on the link and selecting Save Target As or Save Link As (different browsers call this function by different names).

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Document last modified on Sunday, 14-Aug-2011 19:35:27 EDT