News from the School of the Spirit Ministry May 2009
Dear Reader,
The School of the Spirit Ministry's mission statement states that we are "dedicated to helping all who wish to be more faithful listeners and responders to the inward work of Christ." Being more faithful often means a burning away of that which distracts us -- internally and externally -- from listening to where our feet are grounded. In the cleansing process the self becomes both less and so much more. Christ's love reveals itself from behind the mask we have held up for so long. Time and again in our programs, we witness fear and shyness transformed into a Light that makes Love more visible to all. The voice of the prophet then speaks.
In this and the next couple of issues of Snapshots, we will feature the voice of the artist. In this issue Nan Bowles, a participant in the most recent class of On Being a Spiritual Nurturer, makes more transparent the boundary between herself and the natural world around her. The loving abundance of nature becomes the love that she embodies. Through her eye, the boundary between Christ in me and Christ in the world dissolves.
We look forward to a Testing the Waters retreat at Gwynedd Meeting in Philadelphia on May 16th, to receiving applications for the next class of the On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program by the 25th, and to the last residency of The Way of Ministry from the 21st to the 25th. May all be faithful listeners and responders to the inward work of Christ.
Blessings, Michael Green
Testing the Waters Retreat at Gwynedd Friends in Philadelphia |
Please post the following to your Meeting's listserv. Thank you!
Testing the Waters
A Retreat Day
Facilitated by core teachers of the School of the Spirit Ministry
Saturday, May 16, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm at the Gwynedd Friends Meeting
in Philadelphia
This retreat day will be facilitated by the core teachers of the School
of the Spirit Ministry's program "On Being a Spiritual Nurturer." The
retreat day is intended for those discerning whether they are led to
apply to the two-year program beginning in September 2009. Friends
seeking a short retreat are also very welcome. There is a requested $25
donation at the door.
The program "On Being a Spiritual Nurturer," now gathering its eighth
class from across the country, is designed for those led to pay
particular attention to God's transforming, guiding, and healing work.
The program is grounded in the traditional Quaker practices of deep
listening and of individual formation within community.
The program
begins in September 2009 with an application deadline of May 25. Late
applications may be considered. Scholarships are available.
Much more
information about the program can be found at www.schoolofthespirit.org or by contacting Mike Green at (919) 929-2339 or info@schoolofthespirit.org.
"Whatever Spirit felt led to do
within me during my two years with you folks in the Spiritual Nurturer program, this Testing the Waters retreat
expanded upon it in ways I will be living into for years to come. It felt as if we were gathered and covered
with a protective film within God's presence.
At Meeting for Worship the next day, the Meeting House was tingling."
(Person-of-Presence, Testing the Waters at Alexandria and a past participant, On Being a Spiritual
Listen to the Earth by Nan Bowles
Circle of seasons
Rhythms come and rhythms go
Do we feel the heartbeat of the Earth?
Do we feel the heartbeat of the Earth?
I want to live the
rhythms of the Earth, our Earth, our home, the Blue Planet. I live those rhythms by listening, by opening
myself to the feelings and sensations of the Earth. Smelling the air just after it has rained, or
feeling warm sunlight upon my skin. Tasting the raindrop on the tip of the pine
needle. Watching the weaving of clouds
as the days come and go. Paying
attention to the changing seasons, or the change in light through out the day. Asking myself, "Where is the moon in its
monthly cycle? Does the full moon rise
in the same place each season? How about
the crescent moon?" These are some of
the queries I live into.
In taking time
to listen and be, there is movement into a place of deep stillness within. From this place I might feel the voice of
Grandmother Live Oak tree say, "Go forth and be clear," or hear the swamp water
of the deep woods speak of how it is spiced with the essence of forest
leaves and pine needles. There is an
inner knowing that Spirit is speaking to me through the oak tree or the swamp
Living is feeling the rhythms of the earth, the
pulse of Life and connecting to that of God in all of it. Listen and be open to the teachings of God
through the Earth around us. To commune with the Earth and listen is to know I
am not better than the lizard or the fly. If I think I am better I will never
hear their message no matter how long I sit and wait. We might do well to pay attention to the
life around us and listen to what lessons others have to tell us. The time I
spend walking the land at home or somewhere else; or time spent sitting and
being; or feeling the rhythm of breathing are moments when I am listening. It is about becoming familiar with the
sounds, sights, smells and feelings of the earth, plants, animals, cloud shapes
of the community that is home. It is
about living the rhythms of the Earth through the framework of the Quaker way
of life; by applying the teachings of Friends to include all of our
planet. Living life through the Spirit
of the Universe, the Creator, the Living Presence that is all. The One of all
shapes and no shape. And so the Divine
one appears even in the mundane parts of life.
Are we afraid of touching Creation and one another?

Nan's entire essay, as well as six of the short audio meditations read by her, is available on our Web site:
- Word format (requires MS Word or the free Word Viewer)
- PDF (requires the free Adobe Reader or other appropriate software)
- Six sections in MP3 format (requires appropriate software, already installed on many computers)
Nan is a member of Friendship Monthly Meeting in Greensboro, attends the worship group in Beaufort, NC, and completed the program On Being a Spiritual Nurturer in November 2008.
Nan is available to come to your meeting community with a ministry which invites participants to connect their inner spiritual life to the abundant natural world where they live. Through watercolors, photographs, and storytelling she invites you into her natural world -- the marshes of eastern North Carolina -- making more transparent the boundary between self and other. For more information, contact her at nanbowles@ec.rr.com.
A Ministry of Prayer and Learning devoted to the School of the Spirit is dedicated to all who wish to be more faithful listeners and responders to the inward work of Christ. Donations are always welcome. Checks may be sent to the address below, made out to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting earmarked for the School of the Spirit.A Ministry of Prayer and Learning devoted to the School of the Spirit is a ministry under the care of the Worship and Care Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
the School of the Spirit Ministry | c/o 1306 Hillsborough Road | Chapel Hill | NC | 27516