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A Silent Retreat in the manner of Friends
at the St. Raphaela Retreat Center, Haverford, PA
Friday, Sept. 30 - Monday, Oct. 3, 2011
About the retreat
Come and simply be with God and attend to the divine stirrings of the soul.
In these days of fast-paced living, multi-tasking, and continual connectivity, more than ever we need times apart, times of retirement, as early Friends used to say, for communion with God and the refreshment of the soul.
While many silent retreats are characterized by solitary prayer and reflection, participants in this retreat will also experience the distinctly Quaker manner of knowing solitude in community.
Along with individual time for prayer, reflection, a walk in nature, and meeting one-on-one with retreat leaders, participants will share meals in silence and bring handwork, reading, journaling, drawing, letter writing to the gathered group in times of "active silence." In addition there are opportunities for group spiritual reflection and Lectio Divina (sacred reading).
Our fee schedule for this retreat encourages you to register early (space is limited to 25). Thanks to the generosity of the agencies named below, for this retreat you may claim a scholarship for a significant portion of the fee if the full fee is beyond your means. If you live a distance from Philadelphia, you may consider the cost of travel in estimating your need. We ask that you include a brief explanation to substantiate your scholarship request. No other form is necessary. You may also include a donation to support another's attendance.
The retreat is made possible with grants from the Tyson Memorial Fund, the Shoemaker Fund, and the Legacy Granting Group.
About the retreat leaders
Linda Chidsey is a recorded minister in New York Yearly Meeting and former clerk of the yearly meeting. Carolyn Moon is a member of Gwynedd Friends Meeting (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) and a member of the School of the Spirit Ministry (SotS) Board. Together, Linda and Carolyn have for a number of years been leading silent and contemplative retreats at Powell House, New York Yearly Meeting's retreat center. These retreats, co-sponsored by Powell House and SotS, continue in January and June of each year.
About SotS' intention
The School of the Spirit Ministry is discerning a call to offer the opportunity for silent retreat in locations across the country. It is our desire for people to experience the joy and beauty of a silent retreat in the manner of Friends. As part of this discernment, we are listening for Friends who may have a leading to silent retreat leadership. If you have experienced such a leading, or know someone else who has, please let us know.
For directions to the St. Raphaela Center, visit www.straphaelacenter.org.
8/25/11: This retreat is fully subscribed. If you wish to be placed on a waiting list, please email info@schoolofthespirit.org or call Mike Green at 919-929-2339.