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Bill Samuel
Newsletter Twice monthly site and general Quaker news Edited by Bill Samuel, Webservant, QuakerInfo.com
The Individual and the Meeting - Martha Paxson (Marty) Grundy writes an extended essay on the subject of the relationship between the individual Friend (Quaker) and their meeting (church). In this individualistic era, it is helpful to have this reflection drawing upon the traditional Quaker understanding of the faith community. Grundy is a well known figure among contemporary Friends, respected for her insights. She currently serves as Clerk of the Traveling Ministries Committee of Friends General Conference and Recording Clerk of Lake Erie Yearly Meeting. This piece was originally a plenary address to the 2001 sessions of Lake Erie Yearly Meeting. The printed version was an article in Quaker Religious Thought, the premier Quaker theological journal.
The American Friends Service Committee sponsors events throughout the country commemorating, reflecting on and drawing valuable lessons from the tragic events of September 11th.