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Bill Samuel
Friends Gathering in Jesus Christ
Chicago & Evanston, Illinois
Dear Friends/friends,
Our worship is in the manner of Friends - expectant, waiting worship, unprogrammed and silent unless or until the Holy Spirit prompts any to vocal ministry in the form of a message, a prayer, a hymn, a poem, etc. Our worship is preceded by 20-30 minutes of Spirit-led Bible reading. This is a practice among Friends that is similar to worship sharing. It is not a Bible study or discussion, rather each person, as led by the Spirit, may share a reading from the Bible. Each reading is either prefaced or followed by reference to the chapter(s) and verse(s) of the text, and each sharing is framed by silence to allow time for contemplation and deepening. In my experience, shared by those who have attended our gatherings, the passages of Scripture that are shared during the Spirit-led bible reading help to ground us all upon the foundation which is Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:11) who brings us into the blessed unity of heart and mind that he promised to us (John 17:20-23) and therefore is a very important preparation for the worship that follows. The time appointed for the worship is approximately 40-60 minutes. Please bring a Bible, though we have access to copies if any forget to bring one.
We meet Tuesdays at 6:30 PM at the 57th Street Meeting House, 5615 S. Woodlawn, Chicago, IL. Contact person is Mike Conover, 773-252-3773. We also gather at 10 AM one Saturday a month (generally the 4th Saturday, but call to confirm) at Evanston Friends Meeting, 1010 Greenleaf, Evanston, IL. Contact person is Christopher Dresch, 773-490-3413.
For our fellowship is not in a notional knowledge concerning Christ, but in the life itself....
Isaac Penington (The Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Mystery and in the Outward)