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A Calendar of Yearly Meetings has been produced annually for many years by the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), giving the dates, places, contacts and clerks for all Friends (Quaker) yearly meetings in the world for which the FWCC has information, along with information on some other conferences and regional gatherings.

This site was for a number of years the online source for the Calendar of Yearly Meetings. However, in 2006 the FWCC began putting most of the Calendar up on their own site. Therefore, we now link you to their site for Calendar information for yearly meetings. However, the Conferences and Regional Gatherings calendar information is not yet available on the FWCC site. In addition, we have always included many conferences and regional gatherings not on the FWCC calendar. So we continue to provide that service on our site.

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Some Quaker Books
A Living Faith: An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs
Wilmer Cooper, founding Dean of Earlham School of Religion, provides an historical look at the beliefs of Friends (Quakers). Includes study questions.
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Journal of George Fox
The autobiography of the founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
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Celebration of Discipline
20th Anniversary Edition of Richard J. Foster's million- selling work on Christian spiritual disciplines.
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Document last modified on Thursday, 23-Jul-2015 22:38:23 EDT