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Bill Samuel, August 4, 2002
Bill Samuel

Friends Christian Renewal
Compiled by Bill Samuel
Last updated February 1, 2025
Navigation Aid

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Quaker Spring
School of the Spirit
New Foundation Fellowship

The goal of this page is to provide a Web site with information on activities and groups related to Christian* renewal in the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) worldwide. This information is often hard to unearth, so this listing is very incomplete. Also, I seldom get updates on groups listed, so information could be out-of-date (even by years) and you are encouraged to contact a group before visiting. I would appreciate help in keeping the information updated and including more appropriate activities. If you have material that might be appropriate to post here, email me at Events included on this page and its links are generally sponsored by unofficial Friends groups, rather than formal bodies of Friends, unless otherwise noted. For my perspective on Friends Christian renewal, read Towards Renewal Within the Religious Society of Friends. I generally do not include established congregations within basically Christian yearly meetings (which constitute most Christian Friends meetings/churches), although I make exceptions where I think it is warranted.

U.S. - Eastern

Roughly east of the Appalachians. Imagine a line running from Lake Erie south to the Gulf of Mexico along state borders. The states on the east side of the borders would be Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Those states and all states east and northeast of them are included in the Eastern area.

Farmington Falls, Maine

Friends of Jesus Christ, 168 Croswell Road, Framington Falls, ME 04940, 207-778-2700. Worship Sundays 10 AM & 7 PM; Wednesdays 7 PM. This group believes the "movement of God among and through the early Quakers to have been by far and away the most spiritual and powerful manifestation of God on the earth since the apostolic days." However, they do not believe true Quakerism can be revived, and do not call themselves Quakers.

Little Falls, New York

A small group meets for waiting worship on third Fifth Days. Contact Geoff Gilmore, 315-823-0616, for more information.

New York City, New York

  • One in Christ meets second Fourth Day (Wednesday), 7 PM, in the office of the 15th St. Friends Meeting, 15 Rutherford Pl., Manhattan. Contact Brian Doherty, 212-279-6200, for more information.
  • Manhattan Meeting holds a programmed meeting for worship at 9:30 AM on first, third and fifth Sundays, and for Bible study at 9:30 AM on second Sundays. It meets in Room 1 of 15th St. Friends Meeting, 15 Rutherford Pl., Manhattan. For information, call 212-777-8866.

New Jersey - New York Yearly Meeting

Within New York Yearly Meeting, Manasquan Monthly Meeting in Wall Township has a generally Christian orientation.

Eastern Pennsylvania

State College, Pennsylvania

A group of "Christians and would-be Christians" gathers irregularly in State College. For more information, e-mail Tom Ryan.


Adelphi, MD: Every Wednesday at 7:30 PM there is Bible study on Zoom sponsored by Adelphi Friends Meeting. For more information, contact Joy Newheart.

Harrisonburg, Virginia Area

Rockingham Monthly Meeting, Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative), meets for worship First Days at 10:30 AM at Quail Lane Farm outside Harrisonburg. For more information, contact Susan Smith, Clerk.

Greenville, South Carolina

North Main Friends is a worship group with a Conservative Friends orientation which meets in Greenville, SC 2 PM Sundays. For more information, contact Don Shabkie, 864-238-6361.

Atlanta, Georgia Area

Peachtree Friends Meeting - Traditional Friends waiting worship. 10:30 AM Sundays, 4980 Florida Ave., Peachtree Corners (Norcross), GA 30360. Contact Peachtree Friends, for more information..

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U.S. - Central

Everything between the Eastern and the Western - see those listings for border information.


  • Crossroads Friends Worship Group meets First Days, at 10:30 am, for unprogrammed waiting worship in the name of Jesus Christ and in the manner of Friends, with a preparation period beginning at 10:00 am. Worship rotates among a variety of Michigan locations, including White Lake, Flint, Lansing, Grand Rapids and Potterville. For information and directions please contact Sharon Helms, (248) 360-2074.
  • Friends in Christ is a Conservative Friends worship group in Harrisville which meets 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10 AM. Contact Kimberly Anne Makela, 989-464-1918, for more information.


  • Greenleaf Weekly Friends Meeting, 9348 Butler Road NE, Newark OH 43055; 740-403-5579. Christ-centered and mission-based Quakers who meet through the warm months. Rainy day fellowship with other groups; through the winter months work at homelss outreach. 8:30 AM First Day.
  • General Gathering of Conservative Friends, every 2 years in June (next Gathering in 2025), Stillwater Friends Meeing, Barnesville, Ohio. Details will be posted at the link when they are available.
  • Richland/Ashland Friends, Loudonville, Ohio. Usually meets second First Days. Call Scott Savage at 419-368-9419 for information.
  • Friends Center of Ohio Yearly Meeting, Barnesville, Ohio. A retreat and conference center for the exploration of Christian unprogrammed Quakerism and its meaning today. There are scheduled weekend events as well as opportunity for personal retreats.
  • Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative). A yearly meeting of Christian Friends who worship in the traditional waiting worship manner. Most of their monthly meetings are in Eastern Ohio.

Chicago & Evanston, Illinois

Friends Gathering in Jesus Christ is a group of Christian Friends which gathes for worship 6:30 PM Tuesdays at 57th Street Friends Meeting, 5615 S. Woodlawn, Chicago, IL (Hyde Park neighborhood). They also usually meet on second Saturdays at 10 AM at Evanston Friends Meeting, 1010 Greenleaf, Evanston, IL. Please call Kevin McMurtrey at 773-667-0191 to confirm a meeting is being held.


  • An unprogrammed Christ-centered meeting for worship is held 6:15-7:15 PM Tuesdays in Richmond, Indiana. Through September 10, 2019, the location is 835 NW B St., and 310 Grace Drive thereafter. For more information email Jeremiah Edminster.
  • A group meets for unprogrammed Christian worship at 7 PM on Saturdays in Amboy, Indiana. For more information, contact Dave Thomas.
  • Northern Lakes Friends Meeting is an independent conservative Friends meeting in Syracuse, Indiana. For information, contact James Clifton.

Nashville, Tennessee

Simplicity Friends Church is a Christ-centered Friends ministry with Bible study groups meeting Sundays at 5 pm and Wednesdays at 7 pm. If interested in participating, call 629-255-7520 or email

Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Tahlequah Worship Group meets for waiting worship Thursdays at 7:30 PM at 536 Summit Ave., Tahlequah, OK. For more information, contact David Nagle at 918-885-2714.

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U.S. - Western

Roughly Rocky Mountains and west. Imagine a line running from Canada to Mexico along state borders. The states immediately west of that line would be Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. These states and all states to the west, including Alaska and Hawaii, are included in the Western area.

Los Angeles Metro Area, California

On first and third Saturdays, 9:45-10:45 AM, there is a gathering with an hour of Christ-centered open, waiting worship. The group meets at Granada Heights Friends Church (Room B-27), 11818 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada, CA. It is facilitated by Kim Palmer. For more information, email Kim Palmer at

Denver, Colorado

High Plains Friends Worship Group meets every Fifth Day (Thursday). Contact Isabel Penraeth, 303-200-0626, for information.

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Outside of U.S.

I would love to include more activities and contacts in other countries, but I can't publish information I don't have. If you have any such information, please e-mail it to me. Thank you.


Halcyonia Friends Meeting, near Borden (Larsen Road North), Saskatchewan. Worship 11 AM Sundays. Contact Al Penner, RR 1, Borden, SK SOK-0N0 (001) 306-997-4528. An independent Conservative meeting.


If you have interest in Quaker worship and outreach in Maracaibo, contact Vanessa DiDomenico.


Maliki silent worship group meets regularly near Kitale. They also hold an annual conference beginning December 27 each year. They welcome visitors. Contact David Neyole, P.O. Box 75, Webuye, Kenya.

Great Britain

  • Friends of the Light is a Christian, inclusive Friends group which holds gatherings about every two months 10 AM-5 PM on a Saturday at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham, England. Online opportunities include monthly worship and forums.
  • New Foundation Fellowship - United Kingdom, e-mail. Their Web site includes Christian Friends events in the United Kingdom, including some sponsored by other groups than NFF.
  • Friends in Christ (Primitive Quakers) - A small group of Friends which holds half-yearly and yearly meeting sessions, and produces a newsletter. Contact Paul Thompson for information.
  • Ripley Quakers (aka Midlands Friends) - meet each Sunday at 10:30 am via Skype. Telephone Alistair Lomax at 01773 875962 for further information or email or Skype ripley.quakers.meeting.
  • Levenham Worship Group - meets First Days (Sundays) and Fifth Days (Thursdays) at 5:45 AM at 53D High St., Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9PY. Contact Ben Gosling for more information.
  • Goshen Meeting - meets first and third First Days (Sundays) at 11 AM in the Small Hall at the rear of Scone Public Hall, Queen’s Road, Scone, PH2 6QJ, Scotland. Contact Paul Thompson, 01738 620688, for more information.


Ireland Yearly Meeting is a diverse yearly meeting with several sorts of meetings. These are some of those with the strongest Christian witness:


A Christian Friends group in Torun, Poland meets every Friday evening 18.00-22.00 (6-10 pm). The gatherings include 1) preparing a common meal, 2) worshipping in silence, 3) sharing with bread and wine for remembrance of torment and resurrection of Jesus Christ, 4) sharing with word (Bible and other writings), 5) common meal and 6) discussion. On first and third Fridays, the meetings are held at Dwor Mieszczanski (Burghers' Court), 4-6 Podmurna Street. Contact the meeting by phone or email in advance for address of meetings on other Fridays. Phone numbers are (+48) 600 0 777 64 (Polish), or (+44) 7404 68 39 39 (UK mobile number active in Poland).


Beverley Friends Meeting in Western Australia has a strong Christian orientation. It meets Sundays at 10:30 AM in the Old Catholic School Rooms, Dempster St., Beverley. For information, call Don Sax at (0061) 08-9646-0575.

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Quaker Spring

Quaker Spring "Listening to the Inward Christ Together" offers both an extended gathering annually and one-day gatherings in the USA. The extended gathering is usually held on a Wednesday-Sunday including the last weekend of June at Olney Friends School in Barnesville, Ohio. Some parts of the gathering may be available by Zoom. The 2025 one is June 25-29. The one-day gatherings are held on the last Saturdays of February and October, and may vary in location. They are also available by Zoom. The next one will be on February 22, 2025, at Olney Friends School in Barnesville, Ohio.

School of the Spirit

School of the Spirit is a Quaker ministry of prayer and learning based. It offers a 1-2 year programs with residencies and Contemplative Retreats.

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New Foundation Fellowship

New Foundation Fellowship publishes New Foundation Papers, books and pamphlets; holds gatherings; and underwrites traveling ministry - all with the purpose of declaring and exploring our original Quaker faith. General correspondence can be sent to T.H.S. Wallace 3032 Logan St., Camp Hill, PA 17011 USA (Fax 717-737-6489); or NFF-UK, c/o Allistair Lomax, 1 Birkinstyle Avenue, Stonebroom, Derbyshire, UK. DE556LF.

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This nondenominational Christian renewal movement was founded by Friend Richard Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline and Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home. Its work includes one-day and weekend conferences throughout North America. It also now has branches in the British Isles and Korea.

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* The term Christian is used in many different ways. I use the term to mean someone who answers Jesus' question, "Who do you say that I am?" the same way that Peter did (Matthew 16:15-16).

Big Selection
of Quaker Books

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videos and other products.

Recommended Books: see all items
A Living Faith: An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs
Cover imageWilmer Cooper, founding Dean of Earlham School of Religion, provides an historical look at the beliefs of Friends (Quakers). Includes study questions.
Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home
Cover imageRichard J. Foster. Describes 21 types of Christian prayer. Harper San Francisco, 1992. 288 pages.
Journal of George Fox
Cover imageThe auto- biography of the founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Celebration of Discipline
Cover image20th Anniversary Edition of Richard J. Foster's million- selling work on Christian spiritual disciplines.
Imagination & Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader
Cover imageA selection of excerpts from 15 contemporary Quaker authors who reached the mainstream market. See review.

Recommended Art Print: see all prints

The Peaceable Kingdom
by Edward Hicks
29 in. x 23 in.

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