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Bill Samuel
Yearly Meeting Epistles-2002 Updated April 13, 2003
For centuries, Friends (Quaker) yearly meetings have been sending epistles to one another, usually annually. At one time, these generally would have been individual epistles to each yearly meeting. Today, most yearly meetings issue a "To Friends Everywhere" general epistle. Some yearly meetings don't issue an epistle but do have a brief message coming from the yearly meeting sessions, a summary of the chief concerns during the sessions, or something else similar in content to an epistle.
This page contains links to epistles and similar documents issued by yearly meetings and other broad gatherings of Friends in 2002. If you know of additional ones on the Web, please email the URL (Web address) to me. Yearly meetings and other broad Friends gatherings which do not have their epistles (or similar documents) on the Web may also email them to me, and I will put them on a Web page at this site and include them in the list below.